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We figured we won't be any closer than we are now to the British Virgin Islands, so we took the ferry from St. Thomas to Virgin Gorda to see the "Baths" and the island.
Speedy's Ferry
Welcoming Shore of Virgin Gorda

We went through customs and immigration at the port. 

Virgin Gorda is a volcanic island that is 10 miles long and 2 miles wide with a population of about 5,000. We got a taxi driver to take us from one end of the island to the other, stopping at the high points of the island.  

The first pull-off place was Savannah Bay Overlook

Next was the Gorda Peak National Park where we saw the neighboring islands.

We continued to the east end to Leverick Bay where the marina and resort are located.
Leverick Bay from Above
 Leverick Bay Resort
 Leverick Bay Harbor
Leverick Bay Resort Rooms
Leverick Bay Marina
Stan at Leverick Bay Resort

Returning from Leverick Bay we stopped for a view of the Atlantic side of the island.

Then on we went to Spanish Town, the largest city on the island.
Approaching Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda

The big draw for tourists to Virgin Gorda are the gigantic boulders scattered about, unusual rock formations, and caves on the beach, with the water splashing between them and creating pools of water, known as "The Baths." We climbed through the crevices of the granite boulders, up a ladder, and crawled along some of them. We turned back without going to the next beach, as the rocks were slippery and not worth the risk of injury.
 Beginning of the Trail to the Baths
 Granite Boulder on the trail
 More Boulders
 Devils Bay
 Climbing the Boulders
 Ready to go through the cave
 The ladder was helpful!
We had lunch at a snack shop near the Baths, but it was a big disappointment.